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HETMAN PRODUKCJA SP. Z O.O. with its registered office at Kolejowa 7 Street, 18-500 Kolno, Poland obtained support for project no. POPW.01.02.00-20-0040/22 "Internationalization of HETMAN PRODUKCJA SP. Z O.O. in the German and Swedish market" covered by the co-financing agreement no. POPW.01.02.00-20-0040/22-00 signed on 25.10.2022 under the Operational Program Eastern Poland for 2014-2020, Priority Axis I Entrepreneurial Eastern Poland, Action 1.2 Internationalization of SMEs.
The aim of the project is to initiate economic activity of the Hetman company in the German and Swedish market, in particular through advisory support, preparation of the company and its offer in terms of export, and active search for business partners in order to introduce products to new foreign markets.
Project value: 459,774.00 PLN
Co-financing amount: 317,730.00 PLN